You can find on this page the Russia satellite map to print and to download in PDF. The Russia map from satellite presents new pictures of Russia as seen from the sky in Europe.

Russia satellite map

Map of Russia from satellite

The Russia satellite map shows new pictures of Russia as seen from the sky. This satellite map of Russia will allow you to visit the country Russia in Europe as seen from the sky. The Russia satellite map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

Located in the northern and middle latitudes a of the Northern Hemisphere, most of Russia is much closer to the North Pole than to the equator. Individual country comparisons are of little value in gauging Russia enormous size and diversity. The country 17.1 million square kilometers include one-eighth of the Earth inhabited land area as you can see in Russia satellite map. Its European portion, which occupies a substantial part of continental Europe, is home to most of Russia industrial and agricultural activity. It was here, roughly between the Dnieper River and the Ural Mountains, that the Russian Empire took shape. It is also located on the northernmost tip of Asia.

From west to east, the country of Russia stretches from Kaliningrad (the exclave separated by the 1990 secession of Lithuania from the then-Soviet Union) to Ratmanov Island (one of the Diomede Islands) in the Bering Strait as its shown in Russia satellite map. This distance is roughly equivalent to the distance from Edinburgh, Scotland, to Nome, Alaska. From north to south, the country ranges from the northern tip of the Russian Arctic islands at Franz Josef Land to the southern tip of the Republic of Dagestan on the Caspian Sea, spanning about 4,500 kilometers of extremely varied, often inhospitable terrain.

Approximately 2/3 of the Russian frontier is bounded by water as you can see in Russia satellite map. Virtually all of the lengthy northern coast is well above the Arctic Circle; except for the port of Murmansk—which receives currents that are somewhat warmer than would be expected at that latitude, due to the effects of the Gulf Stream—that coast is locked in ice much of the year. Thirteen seas and parts of three oceans—the Arctic, Atlantic, and Pacific—wash Russian shores.