You can find on this page the old map of Russia to print and to download in PDF. The ancient Russia map presents the past and evolutions of the country Russia in Europe.

Ancient Russia map

Historical map of Russia

The ancient map of Russia shows evolutions of Russia. This historical map of Russia will allow you to travel in the past and in the history of Russia in Europe. The Russia ancient map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

The history of ancient Russia begins with that of the Eastern Slavs and the Finno-Ugric peoples. The state of Garðaríki ( "the realm of towns"), which was centered in Novgorod and included the entire areas inhabited by Ilmen Slavs, Veps and Votes, was established by the Varangian chieftain Rurik in 862 (the traditional beginning of Russian history). Kievan Rus', the first united East Slavic state, was founded by Rurik successor Oleg of Novgorod in 882 as its shown in the ancient Russia map.

The ancient state adopted Christianity from the Byzantine Empire in 988, beginning the synthesis of Byzantine and Slavic cultures that defined Russian culture for the next millennium. Kievan Rus' ultimately disintegrated as a state because of the Mongol invasion of Rus' in 1237–1240 as its mentioned in the ancient Russia map. During that time a number of regional magnates, in particular Novgorod and Pskov, fought to inherit the cultural and political legacy of Kievan Rus'. After the 13th century, Moscow came to dominate the former cultural center.

By the 18th century, the Grand Duchy of Moscow had become the huge Russian Empire, stretching from the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth eastward to the Pacific Ocean. Expansion in the western direction sharpened ancient Russia awareness of its separation from much of the rest of Europe and shattered the isolation in which the initial stages of expansion had occurred. Successive regimes of the 19th century responded to such pressures with a combination of halfhearted reform and repression. Russian serfdom was abolished in 1861 as you can see in the ancient Russia map, but its abolition was achieved on terms unfavorable to the peasants and served to increase revolutionary pressures.