You can find on this page the Russia road map to print and to download in PDF. The Russia driving map presents the detailed road network, main highways and free motorways of Russia in Europe.

Russia roads map

Maps of Russia roads

The Russia road map shows all roads network and main roads of Russia. This road map of Russia will allow you to preparing your routes and find your routes through the roads of Russia in Europe. The Russia roads map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

Russia has approved a new state programme for the development of its high-speed road network – Eugene Gerden reports The Russian government has officially approved a new state programme, which is aimed at developing the federal high-speed road network in the country. In 1917, the road system covered a distance of less than 18,000 miles (28,968 kilometers) as its mentioned in Russia roads map. During World War I, the Revolution, Civil War, and War Communism, the road system deteriorated. In 1928, the Soviet Union had 20,000 miles (32,187 kilometers) of gravel roads and only 6,000 miles (9,656 kilometers) of improved or paved roads.

Russia roads were constructed to bring goods and products to river ports and to maintain military control. Alternating frost, snow, thaws, mud, and dust hindered road development. Road construction materials were scarce in places as you can see in Russia roads map. Geology, weather, and climate, along with low population density, slowed construction of a functioning road system before the Russian Revolution.

Road safety in Russia is poor with road accident deaths per million population higher than all countries in the G8 and the other BRIC countries, although the absolute number is actually less than China, India and USA as its shown in Russia roads map. When assessing the level of risk when travelling on Russia roads (i.e. the number of accidents per unit of travel) it is 60 times that of Great Britain.

Russia highway map

Maps of Russia motorways

The Russia highway map shows toll and free motorways of Russia. This highways map of Russia will allow you to prepare your routes on motorways of Russia in Europe. The Russia highway map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

Russia highway, which is actually a series of connected roads, represents the first time that one could travel a continual stretch of paved road from St. Petersburg in the far west of Russia with Vladivostok in the far east. By 2018, it was planned that about 9,000 kilometers of highways and roads in Russia will be transferred to federal ownership by 2021 before a major rebuilding project to boost the country road infrastructure and the national economy. The trend will continue after 2021 with additional 8,300kms of road becoming the property of the Federal government. Federal highways are usually of much better quality in Russia as its mentioned in Russia highway map, and the transfer of ownership will speed up their reconstruction and building, authorities say.

A new highway will run from the Kazakh to the Belarusian border as you can see in Russia highway map. Known as the Meridian Highway, it will connect with Chinese projects meant to run between China and Europe. Russia section of the project will cover 2000 kilometers of Russian territory (equal to about three quarters of the width of the United States). Russia hopes to profit from the customs duties on cargo and the tolls collected by the road in addition to spurring the economy of surrounding regions by creating jobs and easing transport.

Russia highway system remains largely centralized in the west. In the east, the decentralization of settlements and difficult physical conditions has made building and maintaining road networks difficult. The Lena Highway, for example, nicknamed the “Highway from Hell,” is a federal highway running 1,235 km (767 mi) north to south in eastern Siberia as you can see in Russia highway map. It was just a dirt road until 2014, often turning into an impassible, muddy swamp in summer.